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Please join our complimentary Dental Implant Seminar

August 23, 2016 4:30pm-5:30pm At The Ironwood Branch of Phoenix Library, 4333 E Chandler Blvd.

Did you catch Dr. Linda Ma on the radio discussing our implant seminar? We’d like to encourage you to watch the video to learn more!

Skip ahead to the 1:45 mark

Smile Innovations will be hosting a free dental implant seminar on the dates listed above for all clients and Valley residents that are interested in learning more about the dental implant procedure. The event will highlight the benefits of dental implants and how it can help save time and money. There will also be an opportunity for guests to meet the specialist to ask questions and become more educated on dental implants.

-Refreshments will be served and space is limited-

Call today to reserve your seat  480-351-0381

Dental Implants are small screws that replace the root of a tooth and restore the physical appearance and function of the tooth. Implants are integrated into the jaw and naturally bond with your mouth.

Dental Implant

If you are missing a tooth or teeth, you are not alone

More than 30 million people in north america suffer from the emotional, physical and psychological effects of missing teeth

    • Dental implants give you a second chance to smile. Studies have shown that first impressions, self confidence, and a person’s character can all be correlated to their smile
    • Dental implants restore function, health and confidence. Dental implants are permanent solutions for missing teeth.  They look, feel and behave like your own healthy natural teeth. You will look good and feel great.
    • Dental implants keep you looking young.  As we age, missing teeth will lead to bone loss and degeneration of the jaw bone causing you to age faster. Having a dental implant will keep your face looking fuller so that less wrinkles will form
    • Dental implants provide long term cost benefits. In the long term, a dental implant will save you time an money so that you will not have additional dental treatment for failing root canals crowns and bridges or replacing dentures.

More info about our Implants

 Are you interested in coming to the event? Either call us at 480.568.4769 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to reserve your seat!

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